The launch of the call for projects for the major area of intervention 6.1 “Development of the social economy” (Priority Axis 6) is delayed and most likely will not be launched in September, as promised.
Liviu Florea , editor-in-chief of AlTreileaSector.ro
Although they officially announced twice, in 2013, the launch of the call for projects for the major area of intervention 6.1 “Development of the social economy” (Priority Axis 6), AM SOP HRD officials say it is very likely that it will not be launched in September.
Since February 2013, after the representatives of the European Commission announced the release of SOP HRD funds for Romania, Cristian Ababei, General Manager of MA SOP HRD, stated that MA SOP HRD is preparing to start three new project submission sessions, including DMI 6.1. However, the launch of the call for the development of the social economy, scheduled for March – April, did not take place.
Ababei also declared at the end of August that the call for projects on the major field of intervention (KAI) “6.1 – Development of the social economy” will be launched in mid-September . At the same time, the director of AM POS DRU stated that the budget for KAI 6.1 will be about 200 million euros and that the amount could increase by the end of the year, if money remains unspent from the projects completed in 2013.
“So far, project calls have been launched, usually a week or two away from the final publication of the guides for applicants. So far, only a draft for 6.1 has been published on the site. So we do not believe that the call will be launched this month, although we cannot say for sure “, said for AlTreileaSector.ro , the representatives of the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development (AM POS DRU) .
On the website of the Ministry of European Funds , in the section “Orientation calendar for SOP HRD launches”, within priority axis 6 – “Promoting social inclusion”, it is mentioned that the launch of the call for projects on KAI 6.1 is expected for 2013.